Block 7 Necessities
Here is a list of things you should have if you are here for Block 7, aka the coldest months. 1. A car with AWD or 4WD. If the car does not have either make sure that the car has a pretty new battery or else it will most likely die while you are up here. This didn't happen to me, thankfully, but my sister (who lives in SD) switched with me. Since it still gets pretty cold there, a pipe in my car burst:) 2. Snow shoes 3. The house has everything you need except for blankets!! Plenty of sheets, and dishes. You might want to bring your own pillow! 4. A big snow jacket 5. Gloves that are good!! Preferably mittens 6. Scarves 7. A gator for skiing 8. Ear warmers 9. Good warm socks, and ones that would be good for skiing 10. AN ICE SCRAPER Just make sure to have plenty of layers!!! The coldest it got while we were there was -23 degrees!!