Block 3 2023: Week 2

 Block 3: Week 2

Hi, SG again with an update on week 2 in Wyoming. 

  • Rotation this Week
    • We spent Monday through Wednesday at the Ethete clinic working on some projects. We both worked up a "pain patient" to present to the practitioners. The goal of these work ups are to analyze areas of improvement for responsible and effective pain management. We also wrapped up the data collection on our H. pylori project. Side note, the security guards at the clinic are so nice! We look forward to talking to them each day and they have helped us with local recommendations and pronunciation. They also enjoy hearing about the beach, sharks, southern states, and Forrest Gump!
    • On Thursday we assisted at a health fair of sorts in Arapahoe. Guardians registering their children for the school year are required to have up-to-date physicals and vaccinations for their children. This presented a unique opportunity to increase access to care – Wind River Cares has a portable clinic (RV) where providers were able to give these children their physicals! Rebekah and I were responsible for retrieving necessary vaccines from the main pharmacy. 

  • Fun this Week
    • Rebekah's birthday was Monday! We got breakfast in town before rotation and in the evening we had birthday brownies. 
    • We started going to the gym located next to the Ethete clinic. It's free, convenient, pretty private, and has everything we need! 
    • Riverton has a thrift store called "Twice but Nice" that Rebekah and I have had fun checking out. We got some University of Wyoming swag, so we're basically locals now. They put new stuff out every Tuesday. Our new favorite Thai restaurant is across the street too, the Masaman curry is delicious! 
    • Snow cones are a BIG hit here. There are stands everywhere! I tried the "Piccadilly" snow cone, which is apparently a staple among locals. It is a snow cone of your choice + kool aid powder + poprocks + chunks of pickles. I gagged, but maybe you'll like it. 

  • (Quick)Weekend Trip: Bozeman, MT
    • Katherine gave us Friday off, so we left early to get our weekend started! We stopped in Dubois for breakfast at the Cowboy Cafe and walked around main street. We opted for the scenic route which took us through Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. We preferred Grand Teton, but that may be because Old Faithful was being shy. 
    • Friday evening we walked around town, got sushi we had been craving, and checked out a cute bar/lounge situation. 
    • Saturday was FULL of shopping! Bozeman has amazing stores, so if you love shopping I highly recommend. If you go, try Red Sugar Dim Sum for lunch. The BBQ pork bun was life changing. After a full day in Bozeman we headed home! We made a small detour to Billings for Chickfila (yes we took home extra orders because it's rare out here) and we were home by midnight. I don't super recommend making those treks at night, there were a lot of elk crossing and its very dark! 
    • After a long trip home on Saturday, we were in desperate need of a "do nothing day" on Sunday. We relaxed at home, napped, got some laundry done, went to Safeway, and then had a taco night at home! 

Overall, another great week! We love it out here! 
– SG


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